

the writer: Hace
was born during World War II on 19 Dec.1943.
Zen zoon" (father Zen son) was written during
the summer of 2005 whilst staying in the Tavascan
valley, in a small travel caravan, with his Catalan
lady friend. During that period, Hace drew inspiration
from being in his beloved Cataluña and being
a naturist surrounded by nature in the vast Pyrenean
"the knowledge of being", was written
in the spring of 2007, in the unspoiled Pyrenean valley
of Áger.
Zen son
"Zen and the art of survival"
life during 48 hours, together, as naturists,
camping in the valley of the bridge to the
north of Tavascan. As a survival guide passing
convictions to self knowledge; the possibility
to stay alive with climate change.Because
Zen can really only be "lived",
is talking or writing about it pointless?
The meaning of "Zen, as a way of being"
becomes clearer when a father and his son
spend twentyfour hours together, as naturists.
Alone, in a spectacular mountain river valley,
and fully exposed to nature, they focus on
the boy's question:
is life all about if you, like my friend last
night who was only eighteen years old, could
die in the middle of a conversation?"

is available in Dutch.
Shortly also will be in English.
their conversation develops, and the essence of the
surrounding nature is explored, the son's perceptions
begin to expand. In a series of flashbacks, his father
also uses facts and experiences from his own life
to help his son through an almost organic process
of increasing awareness. During this unusual initiation,
the boy's attitude evolves from a level of relative
ignorance towards a higher level of consciousness
and self-knowledge. As he discovers his own, relevant,
answers to his question the reader can join him on
his path towards enlightenment.
book also contains four colour photos, and illustrations
at the beginning of each chapter, which the reader
can use to help capture some of the atmosphere of
the mountain river valley as they follow the father
and son on their extraordinary journey of self-discovery.
"vader Zen zoon" was first published in
Dutch. The English language version "father Zen
son - zen and the art of survival" will be published
after the summer of 2008.

knowledge to exist in wholeness"
we manage to completely overlook the fact that
we are continuously making choices, and that
when we make our choices they are based upon
a judgment of available information. But how
complete, or incomplete, is that information?
If our judgment about the information is coloured
in any way, because a pre-disposition exists,
then a correct decision will not be made, regardless
of the completeness or reliability of the information.
In the same way, a clear judgment based on incomplete
or unreliable information will not lead to a
correct decision.
how can we be sure about the quality of our
information, and its source?
Where do our pre-dispositions come from? And
how can we correct them?
focuses on "the knowledge of being".
This historical starting point, and the basis of all
philosophy, has traditionally developed in two main
directions; phenomenology and theology. In this book,
through a unique system of analysis and explanation,
the synthesis of both has at last been made, and the
philosophy of being, has finally been made accessible
to all.
can share this new insight and use it as a unique
suitable tool to reduce the stress, fear and frustrations
that we sustain in everyday life by demagogy and our
own pre-dispositions.
If the time is taken to understand and practice "the
knowledge to exist in wholeness", it will lead
to the development of a sustainable feeling of freedom
in a thoroughly satisfactory life.
Ontology, as an operating manual of ourselves,
for each of us will be a life-long lasting present.
Copyright Hace - vader Zen zoon web, updated october 2007