The author: Hace

wants the good without the evil,
right without wrong,
order without disorder,
proofs to understand nothing of the laws of the universe?
This one dreams of a heaven without earth,
Yang without Yin,
the positive without the negative."

The knowledge to exist in wholeness
- as factual knowledge about existing, of being - makes
it possible to develop an awareness of how to exist in wholeness.
In that sense, Ontology can be considered to be the religion
of reality, exclusively based upon the undeniable fact of
This goes beyond, or passes by, the religions that are based
solely on faith and dogma's. A self-developed awareness
of wholeness makes us free. It liberates us from illusions
and from the idea that there is an obligation to deliver
services of any kind to whatever gods we believe in".
this happens, we can see that religions are completely redundant".That
we continuously are making choices, we usually overlook
completely. When we choose, our choice is based upon information
and a judgment of it. But how (not) complete is that information
and where from arises a pre-occupation?
If our judgment about that information is coloured because
a pre-occupation then a correct decision will not be made.
Unimportant completeness or reliability of the information.
In the same way, a clear judgment based on not complete
and/or unreliable information will not lead to a right decision.
How can we be sure about the quality of our information
and its source?" Where do our pre-dispositions come
from? And
how can we correct them?
Copyright Hace - vad©
Copyright Hace - Ontologie,web updated- may 2008er
Zen zoon web, updated october 2007